Facility managers and building owners always try to act in the best interest of their building or their company. However, sometimes they don’t understand the entire situation which can lead to unfortunate poor choices being made. If you own or manage a property or properties, don’t let yourself fall into these common commercial roofing pitfalls. Instead, take note now of common roofing pitfalls now to make sure you don’t make these mistakes in the future.

Underestimating the Project Cost
Making repairs or replacing your roof is a tough to do well. When building owners have to decide how to improve their building, they oftentimes underestimate the cost of the project. They can go over budget with days, weeks, or sometimes months remaining on the repair or install. In these situations, you often see a building project put on hold because there’s no money left. Work can’t be done if there’s no money. Don’t let your roofing project stall near the finish line. Take the extra time and attention to set your budget as close to reality as possible.
Underestimating the Time Required
Similar to the first pitfall, another commercial roofing pitfall is underestimating the amount of time required to complete the project. Money isn’t the only factor you have to estimate, but also time, and underestimating this time can be very painful to your operations. The layout of the building has to be modified, or inhabitants of the building have to be removed or relocated during many roofing projects. Going past the planned deadline means things remain in a modified condition for longer and your business can suffer.
Choosing a Short-Lived System (Thinking They’re Saving Money)
At one point or another, most building owners will choose a roofing system or a repair for their roof based either solely or mainly on cost. This is almost never a good idea. Sure, cost should be considered, but it shouldn’t be the only consideration. Cheap roofing systems are cheap for a reason, and it’s usually because they don’t perform as well as their more expensive counterparts, and often don’t last nearly as long either. Choosing these systems to save money often leads to spending more money on the project.
Doing the Work Themselves
Another common commercial roofing pitfall is choosing to do the work yourself when you don’t have the time, energy, or expertise required. Thinking you’ll save money or time by doing it yourself, you undertake a project that is far too advanced for your skill set. You end up wasting weeks working on it, only to hire a contractor to come in and fix it anyways.
These pitfalls are often fallen into by building owners trying to make the best decision who are slightly misinformed. If you have fallen into these situations in the past, adjust and move forward and don’t make the same mistake twice.